Cancellation information

Have you booked a holiday accommodation on Terschelling through Waddenreisburo and you may not be able to come?
Then please read the following information carefully before contacting us.

This is a separate accommodation booking and not a complete package holiday.

Rental agreement
When you book a holiday home, as a tenant you enter into a rental agreement with the owner of the holiday home. Waddenreisburo mediates in the search for a holiday home and in the conclusion of this agreement, but is not a party to this agreement between tenant and owner. Once an agreement is entered into, the tenant and owner are bound by this agreement.

General terms and conditions
All agreements we establish are subject to the general terms and conditions which you can view and must accept when making a booking request. In addition, there may be house specific terms and conditions. These will be referred to in the confirmation letter. By paying, you again agree to all terms and conditions.

Confirmation letter
In the confirmation letter we advise you to take out cancellation insurance and refer to the general terms and conditions and the house specific terms and conditions. If you do not take out cancellation insurance, you deliberately choose to run the risk of losing your money if you have to cancel unexpectedly.

Residual payment
Have you made a down payment and are in doubt about making the balance payment because you are not sure whether your holiday can go ahead? Formally, you are obliged to pay the balance in accordance with the rental agreement.

If you want to cancel your booking and you have cancellation insurance, you should contact your insurer. Depending on the reason for cancellation and the policy conditions, the insurance will or will not pay out. If you need anything from us (sometimes a cancellation note is requested), please contact us by e-mail. In accordance with the rental agreement, you are not entitled to a refund of rental fees already paid.

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