Experience Terschelling Business

We have various holiday homes for the business market on the Wadden island of Terschelling. Holiday homes where you can stay and meet in comfort. Atmospheric locations where you feel at home professionally and with enough space and bedrooms + bathrooms

Would you like to experience some inspiring team days with your teams and colleagues? Then come to Terschelling for business. The fresh island air will bring you new insights during healing sessions and let you put new dots on the horizon. Alternate work sessions with relaxation to really get to know each other in a pleasant way. Teambuilding comes first!

Beleef Terschelling organises your business trip with Bureau Basalt. Together we have over 40 years of island knowledge to develop a tailor-made special programme for your company. By taking stock beforehand of the goals of your trip to the Wadden Sea, we put together the programme. We determine the common thread, the theme and the desired result together with you as the client.

`With our team, we come to Terschelling every year. We develop the annual plan and it's the best way to get to know the new colleagues.` - Marco & Fred

Organising business meetings on Terschelling

Strategy session -
From intervision to intervention -
Self-evaluation for management and directors, Supervisory Board & teams -
Picking up the Wad: getting out together. Where do we stand and what are we going for? -

Workation Terschelling: mix of work, distance and fresh air -
Conference or seminar

Company outing Terschelling
Bring atmosphere into the team with a company outing on Terschelling. By going out together, you learn to look at work processes differently and you really get to know each other! The result is effective profit and more job satisfaction.
We make the connection between your theme and island nature and culture.
Also the connection with islander entrepreneurs and seasoned cross-thinkers.
Experience the vibrant but also quiet authentic Power of the island. Find out more

We work together with Bureau Basalt

Linkedin Karin Lodder
0031 6 51 15 58 64

We are also happy to cooperate with :
Sailing Dutchman Mooi Weer WadEvents

Experience Terschelling via

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  • About us

  • Experience Terschelling is an initiative of Waddenreisburo.eu is an online travelagancy for all Wadden islands

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